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Legendary Music Copyright:
When you received this audio material from Legendary Hits or any entity affiliated with Lil’ Rorry
and you agree that you are not purchasing rights to music or the right to copy or redistribute
any material that you received. Legendary Hits mix tape sales are solely for disk case, artwork
and the marketing/promotional services of Legendary Hits. All of the media material used on the
compact disc was supplied by various record labels and/or recording artists to be used by the
DJ/Artist/Label for promotional use only. The CD’s are provided to all Legendary Hits customers
free with the purchase of covers, artwork and disk case. Fees paid to Legendary Hits or any entity
affiliated with Lil’ Rorry or Lil' Rorry himself are for marketing and promotional services.
Design and Artwork
Lil' Rorry